In this article,you will find:
1.What erectile dysfunction is
2.Causes of erectile dysfunction
3.Ways to improve your erection
4.Other natural aphrodisiacs you can use to boost your erectile function
The subject of erectile dysfunction is very popular and important in our world today.Erectile dysfunction is usually self diagnosable and it is a man's inability or difficulty in getting and sustaining a firm erection about 50 percent of the time for sexual intercourse.
Nitrous oxide,a chemical compound in our body helps blood vessels to dilate which in turn increases blood flow into the blood vessels.The increased blood flow helps to get and maintain an erection.Impotence can affect a man's confidence and cause relationship problems.However,it is worthy to note that infertility and erectile dysfunction or impotence are entirely different.Infertility or sterility means the body is not able to make enough sperm or the sperms are not able to effectively perform their functions.Impotence or erectile dysfunction does not have a direct impact on infertility but it can make it difficult for a couple to conceive.
1.Difficulty getting erection
2.Difficulty maintaining election
3.Reduced libido 

The causes range from stress,psychological problems,effects of diseases to even complications of drugs and surgery.
The commonest drug on the market is the blue pill or Sildenafil,usually called Viagra.The only difference between a drug and a poison is the dose.Sildenafil addiction in the long run leads to erectile dysfunction. The original intent of Sildenafil was to treat cardiovascular problems by dilating blood vessels and increasing blood flow.Later,it was administered to men with benign prostatic hyperplasia to treat impotence as impotence is a common symptom of such diseases.Currently,the drug is abused more than we can ever imagine.Most men take it to improve their bed game or to impress their significant others.This is because Viagra when taken typically activate within 30 minutes and helps to maintain or sustain an erection for close to four hours.It comes in different formulations:in tablets and spray forms.
The spray since it's more topical,that is,directly applied to the skin,works faster mostly within 5 minutes.Prolonged use or intake of unprescribed amounts of viagra can cause erectile dysfunction.This is because your body becomes so addicted to it that without it,your penis can't erect.

Aside that,the drug has many unpleasurable side effects especially when it is abused.Some include priaprism or long lasting erection,dizziness,loss of vision,light sensitivity,headache,flushes,dizziness and  trouble sleeping.

B.SIDE EFFECTS OF DRUGS.For whatever reason,if you're on  drugs like diuretics,beta blockers,antidepressants,tranquillisers,antihistamines,chemotherapy and hormonal drugs,it may cause erectile dysfunction in the long run.Chronic use of these drugs,whether prescribed to you or not may cause problems with erection. 
Chronic stress can affect how your brain relays information to your penis contributing to erectile dysfunction.Sometimes,sit down to find out your stress factors.Are they from work,school,are you under a lot of pressure or facing bigger challenges in life?Sort them out and you will be good.
Common diseases known to cause erectile dysfunction include heart disease,clogged blood vessels or atherosclerosis,high blood pressure, high cholesterol,obesity,diabetes etc.The common prognosis of these diseases are that in the long run,they reduce blood flow into the blood vessels which contributes to impotence.
Any surgery involving the perineum and or the pelvis can result in nerve damage.For examples,in hernia repair,there can be damage to the testicular nerve which results in erectile dysfunction.Though this may be rare due to efficient and reliable techniques of doing surgery off late,it can't be over looked.The testicular nerve innervation the penis,that is, it plays the key role in sensory stimulation of the penis
F.Old age
Old age cones with a lot of hormonal changes and imbalances,higher risk of heart problems and changes in circulation of blood to other parts of the body.
1.Essential oils 
Essential oils like rose and sandalwood are known to improve circulation and increase libido.They also smell very lovely.You can inhale them from the bottle or rub them on the abdomen and legs.They are plant derived oils and are considered as natural aphrodisiacs.They have shown to be able to increase the libido of both men and women over centuries.Aside this,they have a calming effect which helps to improve your mood.
2.Rest and Stress Management 
Physical and emotional stress increases your stress hormones which are mainly cortisol and adrenaline.This causes fatigue,lowers your desire for sex and affects blood flow needed to get and maintain an erection.Other ways to help manage stress include having 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night,decreasing alcohol consumption,quitting smoking of cigarette,engaging in activities that uplift your mood like volunteerism.Note that alcohol and smoking may not have a direct link with erectile dysfunction,they rather stress the body increasing your risk of getting erectile dysfunction.
3.Regular exercise
Exercise improves circulation,reduces or prevents obesity,reduces stress,boost mental health and hence very vital or key in preventing impotence from occurring.
4.Diets to improve libido
Eating high fiber diets like fruits and vegetables can help detoxify the body and support hormones which improve libido.Foods high in vitamin E like the green leafy vegetables improve blood flow.Therr are some foods that can worsen your symptoms of impotence.Such foods include trans fat,refined vegetable oils,too much caffeine and alcohol as well as packaged and synthetic foods.
These are basically products that completes or makes an addition,that is,they give you nutrients that you might be missing from your diet.Such products include red ginseng which offers hormonal effects similar to that of testosterone.Others include yohimbe which may increase blood flow to your vagina or penis and plays a role in orgasm by increasing your nerve impulses.You can decide to take niacin or vitamin B3 which causes your blood vessels to stretch or dilation thereby improving blood flow and supporting energy levels.
Knowing the cause,symptoms and even starting with treatment of erectile dysfunction is a collective effort especially if you have a partner.It starts with your mind before it comes to your body.Battling with impotence can affect your self confidence as a man.It is better to have a partner who supports and encourages you throughout its management and recovery.

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